How to read the radar?
The Pixida Tech Radar is a list of technologies, platforms, tools and techniques that we use in the company. Each of the categories is complemented with an assesment and expresses the level of adoption in our teams:
Technolgies we think should be the standard choice and with which our colleagues have a lot of experience. They are proven to be mature and effective and, depending on the context, should be used whenever possible.
The technology is not yet mature enough to be fully adopted, or we are not 100% certain that it is better than existing technology or practices. However, it can still evaluated in a productive setting with some caution. We want to gather more information about them to see if adding them to our standard development toolkit would be beneficial.
Technologies that seem promising but we do not yet have a very good understanding of them. We either think they have a potential for general adoption or we want to better understand, e.g. to better consult our clients regarding it. Typically, these technologies are assessed in our Competence Areas in dedicated projects.
Technologies we do not recommend or we do not want to work with (anymore). There can be a lot of reasons for this, including being outdated, not mature enough yet or we simply made a strategic decision against them.